Official rules of Pac’s Shack DarkRP. Rules are subject to change at any time. It is up to you to ensure you are properly informed on the rules. Some rules may not be listed, please use common sense when playing our servers! A staff member’s decision is always final. If you feel that you were wrongly punished, leave a message in the appeals channel on our discord!

General Rules

  1. RDM is not allowed

RDM (Random deathmatch) is when you kill another player without valid RP reason. VDM however, will not be enforced. Look both ways before crossing the street!

  1. RDA is not allowed

RDA (Random Arrest) is when you arrest another player without valid RP reason.

  1. NLR

NLR (New Life Rule) applies when you have died due to a valid RP reason, and cannot return to the area of death within 2 minutes of death. NLR only applies to base defense after one death. After you die a second time, you and other base members must abide by NLR. NLR will always apply to the raiding party, when you die, the raid is over.

  1. FearRP

FearRP does NOT apply on our server -

FearRP is the inability to do anything other than comply to an action such as, but not limited to, mugs, kidnaps, etc. 

  1. FailRP

Acting within realism of your job/job description. We do not want to restrict what jobs are allowed to interact with each other. This means that you may team, base, or raid with anyone you desire as any job you desire, HOWEVER, it is ultimately up to the enforcing staff member if any actions are deemed as “FailRP”. Example: Cops working with thieves on the side is ok, but if those cops are going around, abusing their starting weapons to raid, this is FailRP.

  1. Cheats/Exploits

Any form of an unfair advantage gained by 3rd party cheating software/hardware, or by exploits will result in a permanent ban. Finding an exploit is one thing, not reporting it and using it for your advantage is another.

  1. Scamming

Scamming in an RP sense is 100% allowed. It is up to the vendor/dealer to be on their toes with how they go about their business. HOWEVER, any scams made through exploits, or would otherwise take user error out of the question, is not allowed.

  1. Minge Behaviour

If you do not wish to RP, you are free to do so, so long as you are not impacting the experience of any other players. Being ignorant of the rules, trying to create loopholes, or otherwise just being a general annoyance to the server, will result in appropriate punishment.

  1. Prop Block

Any form of prop block, or blocking off areas of the map is NOT allowed.

Base Building Rules

  1. One way props

One way props may only be used for viewing. Props that are transparent, or fade into a different material may be used as shooting windows

  1. Textscreens

If you are actively building your base, you must include a “Building” sign if you do not want to get raided. If you are actively using your base while a “Building” sign is up, it will be removed and you will be vulnerable to raids. “KOS” signs are not required to be a specific color or size, however, they must be placed in an openly visible spot, on the same wall as your main entrance. KOS signs can either be vague, or if there are terms, they must be clearly stated. KOS signs may also not exceed the sidewalk of the main entrance.

  1. Keypads and Doors

A single base may only have 4 fading doors, with 8 keypads total. You must have at least one entrance to your base, and entrances must be clear, and not have any jumps, crouches, pixel lineups, or invisible barriers. You may not have any fake, or misleading keypads/entrances.

  1. Obstructions

Bases may not have any props obstructing any, but not limited to, neighboring buildings, areas of the map, roadway/sidewalk, etc. This also applies to inside the base. There may not be any invisible props obstructing walkways. Peeks and corners are allowed, so long as rule 5 is not broken.

  1. Fair Play

Any form of shooting windows, or peeks must be within reason for an attacking party. They must have a chance to see and shoot back at you. We understand this rule can be vague in writing, so it is up to the staff members discretion to enforce this rule. Their word is final.

  1. Mega Bases

Mega bases are allowed, as long as the team has 5 or more active members, and the build does not entirely restrict sections of the map.

  1. Team Limit

We do not enforce a team limit. You may have as many members in a team as you desire.

Criminal Activities

  1. Raiding

1.1 You must advert “Raid” or “Assist” to begin raiding. Adverting while inside the property is not allowed.

1.2 Bases with building signs may not be raided. If there is no visible building sign on the main entrance, you may freely raid the base.

1.3 Although there is no cooldown for raids, you may not raid the same player twice within 15 minutes.

1.4 The raid may last indefinitely, so long as the attacking party has not died. Once all members of the attacking party have died, the raid is over.

  1. Mugging

2.1 In order to execute a mug, you must advert “MUGGING” followed by a maximum amount of 15000. You must allow them 10 seconds to respond.

2.2 The victim must clearly know that they are being mugged. You must also be within yelling distance to mug another player.

2.3 If the player has given you the requested amount of money, killing them from that point will be considered RDM.

2.4 There is no cooldown for muggings, however, you may not mug the same person twice within 10 minutes.

  1. Kidnapping

3.1 You are not required to advert kidnappings.

3.2 You do not have to wait a cooldown between kidnappings.

3.3 You may not hold the kidnapped player for more than 20 minutes. You may also only charge a ransom of a maximum of $100,000.

  1. Gangs

4.1 In the event of a gang or team member getting killed, you may act in defense of said member, and it will not be classified as RDM. You do not need an advert of any form to defend a team member.

4.2 Different gangs may work together, or may KOS each other, but a member of a gang must remain loyal to the leader of their own gang. You may conspire a betrayal to your leader, but you must switch teams before any betraying actions may be committed.

4.3 Only one gang member has to advert for group actions such as raiding, mugging, pd raid, etc.

Government Jobs

  1. Law enforcement

1.1 Corruption is allowed (See General, 5) You are allowed to buy illegal entities. Your corruption must be discreet, and not obvious to the general public, or you may get demoted by the public.

1.2 When working as an LEO, you must enforce all laws given by the mayor, so long as they do not break any of our server rules.

1.3 NLR may be broken infinitely by officers only during pd raids. Once the PD raid has ended, normal NLR rules apply.

  1. Mayor

2.1 Laws must not break any server rules.

2.2 Laws must not contradict the original DarkRP laws, unless it is to make any drugs legal.

2.3 You may make any part of the PD KOS/AOS, so long as a textscreen is clearly displayed to warn players.

2.4 Laws may not restrict access to any part of the map, with the PD as an exception, such as roads, sidewalks, alleyways, etc.

Other Jobs

  1. Sewer Monsters

1.1 You may KOS anybody wandering in the sewers, and they may KOS you as well. If you are caught wandering outside of the sewers, you are KOS by anyone, and may not attack outside of the sewers.

1.2 You may not build a base or buy doors as a sewer monster. Repeat offenses will result in a demotion.

  1. Bankers

2.1 As a Bank Manager, you must run the bank next to fountain. You are allowed to charge for and hold other players items such as, but not limited to printers.

2.2 As a Bank Associate, you may work alongside with the bank manager, but you may also create separate banks across the map, and run your own smaller bank. Bank managers may also run chains with associates.

  1. Dealers and Money Makers

3.1 As a dealer or other drug growing/money making job, you may run your operations without the need for a base. Passageways and streets are examples of where you can build, so long as your operations do not hinder the ease of travel within the general vicinity.

3.2 As an items or weapons vendor, you must be building/actively running a shop, if you are inactive with your job duties for too long, you will be demoted.

Common Sense

In general, we like to use common sense. Being ignorant of the rules, and trying to find loopholes ruins the overall experience for our players. Not everything may be covered in these rules, ultimately, it is up to the acting staff member to make an informed decision for a situation. Again, if you feel you have been wrongly convicted, don’t hesitate to leave a message in the appeals channel at our discord!